Our Story

Our Humble kitchen, where the journey began and still continues….

Hello fellow fragrance connoisseurs, my name is Summer, and I am the founder of Zee Haus & Co. I strongly believe that as a customer when you invest in a product, whether it be your money or love, you have the right to know of the driving force behind its production.

I’m a mother of 3 superbly boisterous (to say the least😂) children, between the ages of 5 and 1 years old. I absolutely love to immerse myself in the art of creating new and unique scents, I enjoy the thrill of experimenting and I indulge in the joy of my creations once I have achieved what I had envisioned in mind.

As a mother of a pre-school child, a toddler and heavily pregnant with my third, i reached a point where I forgot the meaning of slow care. The continuous hustle and bustle of daily life and never-ending chores robbed me of ‘ME TIME’, and so it became hard to switch off and truly relax. My mind and body paid the price for it. I delved into the creation of candles as I found soothing peace in it. Researching the different types of wax and happening upon pure coconut wax and it tremendously nourishing benefits for the skin and hair was truly an eye opener.

And so it began in earnest, at the end of the day after all my babies have hit the hay, the creating and experimenting within my humble kitchen took over. Only using the purest, cleanest, most sustainable and eco-friendly ingredients and materials, from wax, to fragrances, essential oils, to packaging and everything in-between. It was then that I realised that not only can I create a marvelous uniquely scented candle, but I can also turn that candle into an essential skin and hair beauty product, due to the nature of its pure certified skin and hair-grade ingredients.

Our goal is to spread the knowledge that clean, vegan, non-toxic, skin & hair nourishing candles are the first step you deserve towards mindful slow care.

Because you Deserve it xx